Shipping & Returns

At Muntané BCN we strive to ensure that you are completely satisfied with your online purchases.

If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, we offer a return process as long as the following conditions are met:

  1. Return Term: We will not accept returns that exceed 4 days from the date of delivery of the item. Otherwise the package will be returned.
  2. Item Status: Returned products must be unused and in the same condition in which they were received.
  3. Shipping Cost Reimbursement: Customers will not be reimbursed for initial or return shipping costs*.

*Due to the emissions generated by national and international transport, returns carry a fixed cost of shipping. The cost will vary depending on the area from which the return is made, such as the peninsula (€4.13), the Balearic Islands (€6.25), the Canary Islands (€8.75).

This cost will be deducted from the total amount to be reimbursed to the client.


Shipments take between 3 and 5 working days, once the order is prepared.